MSc Imagine (image and video games)


This programme aims to train engineers and researchers specialized in the industries and laboratories of image and vision ,computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality,video games and interactive simulation.

Descriptif Parcours Imagine

The programme and projects are structured around three main areas

  • image processing and analysis,
  • computer graphics,
  • artificial intelligence.

The engineers and researchers trained will be able to developimage processing and analysisapplications (mastery of theory to practice) andinteractive 3Dapplications (games, medical or other simulations, etc.).


The objective of this programme is to train engineers and researchers specialised in the industries and laboratories of image and vision, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, video games and interactive simulation.

Educational leaders

William Puech et Noura Faraj

The skills acquired are based on three main and complementary axes:

  • Image processing and analysis: generation and analysis, signal and image processing, deep learning (neural networks), coding and security.
  • Computer Graphics: shape modelling, interactive animation, real-time and offline rendering, engines, OpenGL/GPU graphics programming.
  • Artificial Intelligence: data (learning) and game AI

Continuation of studies in doctorate in the academic or industrial environment.

Imaging project manager, 3D lead programmer (film animation/video games/simulations/3D data processing and visualisation).

Researcher in image processing, security, machine learning (ML) for image, vision, coding and in 3D modelling, animation, rendering, 3D for medical.

Alumni :

Entreprises : 20 UBISOFT, 5 DWARF-Animation, 4 VIRTUALIS, 4 C4W, 4 IMAIOS, start-ups,…

Laboratoires : 20 thèses, IGE, IR dans les laboratoires LIRMM, EMA,

Holder of a BSc in computer science (or equivalent, on file). Possible admission in M2.

Please note that courses in the Computer Science Department are taught in French.

More informations here (in french)

The courses are closely linked to local companies and laboratories through research and industrial seminars integrated into the training, and interventions in the courses (UBISOFT, DWARF-Animation, C4W, LIRMM…).

The last months of the course will be devoted to putting into practice the skills acquired through two projects (image and graphic design) or through work experience in a company through a sandwich course.

Students are encouraged to participate in programming competitions (e.g. game creation: Game Jam). The games developed during the course can be presented at an annual event organised by the course ( and installed on the arcade of the computer science department.